Welcome to Thadrin and Darth Tater, the latest 2 followers of my rambling and misguided blog. I hope you like what you see! Thadrin has just started a blog all about Hasslefree Grymn - so I've put a link to his new venture called "Grymn and bear it "over there >>> that way >>> and down a bit ... you'll find it.
A little more progress. The 2D geometry for the 1mm Stable sheet is complete.
I am working on the 0.5mm sheet geometry which comprises the shingles, windows, tiles and a few other small details. Put together with a cut down pringles tube they make this.
It seems that my laser cutting supplier is overcoming a post Salute 2010 backlog so I've been unable to order kits or to nail down prices. Apologies for the delay.
I'm admiring your work and your determination to turn your hobby into a commercial endeavor. I'm moving in that direction myself, but with a completely different gaming project. I look forward to your developments! -Ratchet