You can see in the third picture that i still have some alignment issues with the two halves of the the resin hull cast that needs to be addressed with filler.
Talking about filler, I tried some new lightweight filler from Deluxe Materials. It dried overnight, and I tried sanding it today... As you can see from the following pics it was a bit of a disaster.

In all fairness as a model RC aircraft filler this stuff probably rocks as it is INCREDIBLY light weight - I thought I'd been sold an empty tub! But it doesn't cut the mustard as a modelling filler/putty. So on recommendation I've put in an order for Squadron Green putty and Aves Apoxy Sculpt filler from Antenocitis Workshop - my favourite online modelshop supplier.
It'll be a few days wait now until I am able to complete the command module structure ready for detailing.
So whilst I wait I have decided that I don't like the Engine Pod design, and I'll model it with Convex sides and slightly thinner, so although not much smaller it'll both look lighter, and mimic the sweeping curves over the hull.
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