One of the ranges of figures I love outside of the twilight range are the sci-fi dwarfs known as Grymn, sculpted by Kev White at
Hasslefree Miniatures. These are fabulously characterful models with dynamic poses and superb customer service courtesy of His Wife Sally.
I've frequented their discussion forum,
The Forum of Doom, for a few years now and a couple of years ago Kev and his wife Sally did me the honour of naming one of the grymn figures after me!
HFG059 Alun | | |
I was remiss in mentioning this before, but now they've gone and done it again!
HFG071 Linbrandt |
I spent so long working on the demon board and models for Salute that I neglected to thank the White's for their recognition. Though I really must point out to them that I don't have any facial hair! :)
So, for the record... THANK YOU Kev and Sally White of
Hasslefree Miniatures!
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