As can be seen from his helmet and shoulder stripes The GAFFER (Grymn Air Force FlyER) is a member of Red Squadron - and that colouring will be evident on the flyer itself. The flight suit webbing and life-vest are painted to match my other painted Grymn.
We see him here relaxing with a strong brew and watching something closely, somewhat distracted from the antics of Bob and Dave...

I'd drooled over this figure ever since Kev White of Hasslefree Miniatures had show it on his WIP web site over 6 months ago. He was kind enough to send me a master copy of the figure, and the detail on it is incredible. The front of the life vest (i assume thats what it is?) is amazingly detailed and a real challenge to paint accurately. The figure is just 23.5mm to the top of his helmet. I hope Kev thinks I have done this justice!
In addition I've also completed the base. Well, I say 'completed' what I mean is painted, there is still a lotto be done to this the figures need to be mounted and then I have a LOT of detailing to do...

Looking awesome. Love the pilot, really want one myself, but lack of cash and no real use for it is a problem. I thought about joining in with the DOD this year but then I whimped out. Glad to see that you stuck with it, the base is looking really nice and the tarmac is excellent. Keep up the good work!