Thursday 3 December 2009

Do you think he'll notice ... ? - Results!

Well the results of the Forum of Doom Diorama of Doom 2009 competition (snappy title!) are now in!

And guess what?

Bob and Dave have managed to snaffle themselves SECOND Prize!
(or as I like to think of it Alternate First!)

Yay! now I'm "An Award Winning Painter!"

Thanks to all those on the FOD that organised and judged the competition... I'll be back next year... in fact I already have all the mini's and the diorama sketched out...


  1. Honestly - I think yours was a "cleaner" work. Straightforward and effective. The 1st prize winner took too much effort to work out what was going on. Yours was obvious. I also liked your colour selection too.

  2. Thank you for your positive comments on my entry mrteufel. I am not going to discuss the judges decision however, it is final and serves no purpose. I was blown away by 3-4 of the opposition pieces so have no complaints. I particularly like this competition and it's the only one I know of that explicitly judges on composition and story telling as well as painting, which suits my approach to modelling. I make no claims to being the worlds greatest painter.

  3. Well done Alan!

    I would have had difficulty deciding between yours and the eventual winner but I think yours would have just pipped it due to the humour involved...the winner, when all is said and done, was just another gunfight. I'm not saying it was bad; far from it...I just think that it was an extremely well executed version of 'the usual stuff'.

    Mind you, you've got to be pleased with a second place on your first attempt though.

  4. Thank you Inso.

    As I said above i hoped what i lacked in painting skill i made up for in composition and story.

    And yes I'm very happy to have won something at my first attempt.
